Local Heroes

Professional Steel Tacoma, WA

Kindness, Compassion, and Gratitude | It’s what we work by

For the past 4 months Jason Parnell and his Steeler Inc, Professional Steel Tacoma team of 3 have been turning a 50 year business around. Houses, apartments, even daily screws, all use steel to make them, and we are here to serve you.

“What makes us different is that we have a local manufacturer plant in Seattle. Local allows our quick turnover for our clients to be weeks versus months.”

Jason is the Branch Manager of the Tacoma Branch at Steeler an Oregon native, born and raised, and interesting enough a hockey fan. He cannot wait for the next Seattle Crackin game to start.

Local Hero Tacoma, WA

Jason is what we like to call a Local Biz Hero, a self-made manager who brings true value to his community. High stands of professionalism and strong sense of community. Step into his Tacoma location and ask for Jason, for your best experience.

Every dollar that Jason and his team makes goes back to supporting the local business ecosystem. Steeler as a whole supports all walks of life from major bigwig developers to our locals doing DIY projects.

We sat down with Jason for a quick interview –

Why do you do what you do?

“I’m a people person. I love being able to help solve their problems. My team and I are really good at it.”

How did you get into this profession?

“I wanted a change and I wanted to be dealing with the local community.”

Tacoma Steel Just Got Tougher

Being a Branch Manager at Steeler, he works directly with many people, we asked him what’s the most unusual situation that ever happened to you on the job? “The first day I got started actually. I got bumped up to Branch Manager as the former one resigned and placed her two weeks notice that same day. Big shoes to fill, so I strapped up and got to work. Now our team is strong and we want to hire more so we can break growth records. “

If you could share one tip with the readers for choosing a steel company, what would it be?

“If you need the steel and want it sooner, we provide the fastest turnover rate for your next project. Need help finding what to use steel for? Come down to my shop in Tacoma and let’s talk. “

For those of you who are looking for a Professional Steel Tacoma company for any type of work, Jason and the Steeler team (Keith, Jason and Jordan) should be your first choice. “Special shoutout to my team. I could not have done this job without you. Thank you for all your hard work. This one’s for you! – Jason Parnell”.

Call Jason, and Professional Steel Tacoma team at 253-572-8200, or visit www.steeler.com – my motto for the store – “If you are going to excel in anything, excel in kindness, compassion, and gratitude – Jason, Branch Manager.”

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