Tacoma Frames it Just Right
Tacoma Frame Makers is a hidden gem. Stacia Harvey, Owner and Head Designer has a passion for creating truly unique pieces. She gives memorabilia new life with her amazing touch. This Frame shop is open Tuesday through Saturday 11am to 7pm, walk-ins are of course welcome. Tacoma Frame Makers is absolutely the place to have any custom framing done. What are you going to do with your wedding dress? Kid’s art collection getting out of hand? Seahawks Memorabilia taking over, and not in a good way? Go see Tacoma Frame Makers. They make custom easy.
All Frame Shops Are Not Created Equal
Stacia has been a professional framer for over 25 years. She took over Tacoma Frame Makers a couple years ago and never looked back. The Local Frame Shop has been in business over 40 years and had been through five owners before Stacia took over. Since then the shop has been busy with new customers and many projects. Tacoma Frame Markers is truly a remarkable framing specialist and can cut frames for any piece, any size, any style.
Previous to her own shop, Stacia was the Manager of a big name Frame Store. She has experience in all parts of the framing industry which is why she has perfected her craft and stepped out on her own. Without a doubt Tacoma Frame Makers always crafts beautiful pieces. Not to mention, they don’t kill your bank account unlike the big name box stores. Stacia keeps the shop family owned, she works alongside her husband and has a couple other local framers she employes. Stacia told me that keeping Tacoma Frame Makers a close knit group ensures quality and allows her to understand and make connections with her customers.
I Need More Wall Space!
I was stunned with Stacias amazing work. First piece piece Stacia and I collaborated on was the MC Hammer Memorabilia Piece. Tacoma Frame Makers left their mark in the Center with a Gold MC crafted by Stacia. MC Hammer Tweeted in the Spring of 2016, that pieces in his own home weren’t even that amazing. Stacia has also crafted Melissa Etheridge Rock Memorabilia Pieces, Tacoma’s own HOPE 253 Memorabilia, fan memorabilia for the U.S. Open, and many more. She is able to take a hodgepodge collection of photos, our near and dear fan memorabilia, and design elegant, fun, unique art.
A Simple Way to Start Spring Cleaning
As Spring cleaning starts to creep up on us, collect your memorabilia, or the Jersey you always wanted to hang, or your wedding dress that you literally do nothing with and go see Stacia. Tacoma Frame Makers is just down the street. They can take those items that you haven’t been exactly sure what to do with, and make them into something dynamic and special. Go to her website, and definitely stop by the store. Tell her Becca from Clever Neighbor sent you.
Tacoma Frame Makers
3011 6TH AVE
TACOMA, WA 98406
ph: (253) 564-2320
Tuesday – Saturday 11am – 7pm
Stacia Harvey
atHey Becca.
Call Tacoma Frame Makers when you get a chance. My hours have changed Tue.- Sat 11-6
I would love to jump on board with your new project. Stacia 253-564-2320